To the site admins; please include instructions to tell users how to actually use the skins they download. On IRC we've been getting a lot of n00bs who've downloaded WB skins and have no idea how to use them. This is not really a problem (good way to get new folks around), but it might be a good idea to add the info to make it easier for them to figure out. It's a common problem over at WC as well. A lot of new people might not have the patience to track down the info on how to use stuff.
on Nov 09, 2004
This not only goes for WB. I've seen countless users hop on IRC and ask "How do i install the skin?????!!?" Most WC users just haphazardly download skins, icons, themes, and the like assuming that it will magically work.

Perhaps all non-subscriber or non-Stardock customer downloads should go to a new Download page, which warns the person that you DO need a program to get the skin to work. There could be a few help pages on that site, perhaps a link to the boards or the IRC, and an option to not show the page again if they have the program installed.